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Research Group - Applied Geophisics




Our research group focuses on environmental and territorial issues, with particular attention to subsurface exploration and its engineering, hydrogeological, and pollution-related applications. Our activities include 3D and 4D hydrogeophysical modeling, which integrates both space and time, for the reconstruction of digital models of contaminated sites. These models provide an accurate representation of the geophysical properties of the subsurface, analyzing both soil and groundwater. Such conceptual models guide the development of remediation and environmental restoration strategies, tailored to the specific physical-chemical characteristics of each site. We use non-invasive prospecting techniques to monitor the effectiveness of groundwater remediation interventions and environmental recovery processes.

3D geological model reconstruction and its integration with geophysical data for the study and selection of remediation interventions for a contaminated site

Evolutionary monitoring of a remediation intervention at a polluted site using geophysical prospecting techniques


Our advanced geophysical data acquisition and interpretation methodologies allow us to explore and classify the subsurface for geological and technical purposes, as well as assess the risks associated with natural phenomena such as hydrogeological instability. Another key aspect of our research is the development of geomatic tools and the integration of big data and data fusion for the creation of digital twins of the subsurface, supporting decision-making processes and data analysis. This innovative approach is applied in various national and international projects, and the results of our research are published in numerous international scientific journals.

Subsurface geology, classified based on electrical behavior and data-driven statistical analysis