TITLE: Integrated analysis and hazard-oriented modeling of large scale slope instabilities featured by Mass Rock Creep
FUNDING AGENCY: Università “Sapienza” – Bando Ateneo 2019 – progetti “grandi”
START DATE: dicembre 2019
END DATE: dicembre 2022
The project is aimed at tuning a multi-step, multi-scale and multi-disciplinary comprehensive analysis of Deep-seated gravitational slope deformation (DSGSD) processes, to better address their peculiarities in terms of both spatial and temporal scale in a hazardoriented perspective. After a first phase of inventorying over large areas representative of the Apennine chain, especially where DSGSDs have been poorly studied, the application of techniques for landslides susceptibility assessment, properly adapted to the specificity of slope-scale processes, will allow for a better understanding of the physical process in relation to the conditioning factors, such as geological-structural and geomorphological properties. Satellite-based InSAR analyses will be applied for supporting the detection and assessing the state of activity, while catchment-scale geomorphometric analyses will be performed to assess the potential of geomorphic markers as proxies for DSGSD detection. Moving to the evaluation of risk associated to DSGSDs, especially in terms of potential to evolve as catastrophic failures, the project will focus on the detailed study of selected case histories to tune and refine a multi-modeling approach aimed at: i) framing the present stress-strain conditions in the long-term morpho-evolution that influences the process and ii) providing hints on the rock mass damage in terms of visco-plasticity properties of deforming slopes. Landscape evolution modeling will provide constraints to back-analyze in space and time the processes; multi-physics monitoring and modeling of an already equipped "site lab" will provide criteria for the visco-plastic parametrization of the slopes. The results will be integrated in a calibrated numerical model aimed at properly understanding the deformation rates inferred by satellite InSAR data in light of the creep behavior governing the process, thus providing useful hints for an efficient failure forecasting.
TITLE: “Distribution analysis of seismic-induced instability effects based on a nationwide inventory for the probabilistic definition of multi-hazard scenarios” -
FUNDING AGENCY: Università di Roma “Sapienza” - RM120172A2582F52
START DATE: January 2021
END DATE: December 2023
The concomitant occurrence of events capable of triggering landslides, such as earthquakes and rains, constitutes one of the most severe scenarios of seismic-induced danger, capable of emphasizing the damage produced over large areas of the territory. These scenarios are subject to multi-hazard analysis, aimed at quantitatively restoring the spatial and temporal distribution of expected effects downstream of the concurrence of several trigger events. The project proposed here has as its objective the development and testing of a methodology able to combine landslide susceptibility analysis on a probabilistic basis, slope stability analysis in the presence of seismic action and analysis of the spatial distribution of saturation following a rainfall events for the return of quantitative multi-hazard scenarios in at least two sample areas selected on the national territory. To this end, the project aims to use the already available Catalog of Deformation Effects of the soil Induced by Strong Earthquakes (CEDIT) as a validation basis for the scenarios obtained in the selected sample areas, setting itself as a further objective its updating and upgrade of the current platform present online, through a new dedicated web platform that can be consulted in open access.
TITLE: Infrared Monitoring of Landslides Impacting on Railways and Roads Through Fog, Rain and Darkness
FUNDING AGENCY: Università “Sapienza” – Bando Ateneo 2020 – progetti H2020
END DATE: 2022
The fast remote detection of landslides impacting on railway tracks and roads has become a crucial transport safety issue. Automatic Change Detection analyses of images collected by cameras is one of the most promising solutions for this purpose. At present, the most common sensors for this application are based either on visible-light cameras, or on microwave radars. However, visible-light cameras are blind in the darkness and through fog, while, on the other hand, radars cannot provide a clear view of the obstacles, thus causing frequent false positive alarms. In order to solve the above limitations, in this project we propose to implement newly developed micro-bolometer cameras for the longwave infrared ranges into a prototype for railway/road surveillance system. The physics and technology aspects of microbolometers will be analyzed for optimal detection of greybody spectrum from different types of rocks and debris. A prototype of a telescope for small-object identification will be built designing and realizing special mid- and long-wave infrared optics. At the same time, a dedicated software based on change detection algorithms will be developed and calibrated for the automatic identification of landslide invasions on railways/roads. In the frame of the project, the prototype will be tested firstly in the natural landslides laboratories of the Department of Earth Sciences of the "Sapienza" University of Rome (Poggio Baldi and Acuto Natural Labs). Then, selected locations along railways and roads will be identified with partners like the national Italian Railway network (RFI) and the National Italian Road Department (ANAS). The business strategy will be left for future evaluation (spin-off, patenting or licensing), but preliminary steps of intellectual property protection will be considered during the project development.
TITLE: Analisi dei rischi geologici interferenti con le grandi dighe attraverso l'uso integrato di dati telerilevati e realtà virtuale”
FUNDING AGENCY: Università “Sapienza” – Bando Ateneo 2020 – progetti Medi
END DATE: 2021
Large dams are complex systems including the engineering structure and the related artificial lake including surrounding slopes. In addition to the dam instability, hazards can be caused by slope instabilities along the lake, seismic activity and hydrological and hydrogeological changes. Hence, a systematic monitoring of the whole dam/basin system is required for hazard assessment. The aim of this project is to increase le level of understanding of the evolution of the complex dam systems through the integration of remote sensing techniques like Advanced Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar interferometry (A-DInSAR), multi-temporal multispectral analyses and UAV combined with a systems for multi-size visualization based on holographic technology.
TITLE: Monitoraggio intensivo multiparametrico di dati idrogeologici e idrogeochimici correlabili alla sismicità in Appennino Centro-Meridionale
FUNDING AGENCY: Progetti di Ricerca Medi, Università La Sapienza, Roma
START DATE: Marzo 2022
END DATE: Febbraio 2024 (durata 24 mesi)