TITLE: Advances in ICP-MS technology: replace current ICP-MS with the new generation of ICP-MS more suitable for the application of multi-element geochemistry to earth, environment, and health.
FUNDING AGENCY: Sapienza Università di Roma, Bando di Ricerca di Ateneo - Medie Attrezzature Scientifiche - Medie Attrezzature - 2020
START DATE: marzo 2020
END DATE: in corso
This research proposal is related to the replace current ICP-MS with the new generation of ICP-MS. ICP-MS instruments have become popular in analytical laboratories owing to their versatility. In a few minutes, the ICP-MS can produce high-quality data for elements with a wide range of atomic masses, from 6Li to 238U. The best results are obtained for elements that have ionization potentials lower than those of the carrying gas (Ar, 15.8 eV) and that are free of isobaric interferences. The most common applications for ICP-MS are in biological, environmental, geological, and industrial fields. The following is a modest list of materials that can be analyzed by ICP-MS: Archeological Applications, Biological Applications, Foods, Health sciences, Earth Science Applications, Environmental Applications, Forensic Science, Industrial Applications. Although it was initially used for the total quantification of trace metals in liquid samples, ICP-MS has matured into a powerful chromatographic detector and therefore an essential part of state-of-the-art hyphenated detection schemes, allowing the detection of all kinds of compounds via their characteristic (hetero) element content. In particular, the development of hyphenated techniques has established the importance of ICP-MS in the field of environmental speciation analysis during recent years which continuously emerged to the field of bio-inorganic speciation.
TITLE: Solubilità di fluidi a composizione H2O +CO2 in magmi basaltici alcalini: effetti del CO2-flushing nei vulcani
FUNDING AGENCY: Sapienza, Università di Roma (Ateneo medi 2019)
END DATE: 2021
ABSTRACT: Experimental and theoretical studies have highlighted how the knowledge of the H2O and CO2 content of a magma is the key to understanding the eruptive dynamics. In particular, the process of degassing and flux of CO2 (i.e. the CO2-flushing) is a widespread process that influences the phase equilibria of magmatic systems and therefore the chemical and physical evolution of the magmas stored in the upper crust. Actually, the CO2-flushing plays an important role in the production of explosive eruptions in many basaltic systems (see Etna, Stromboli). The aim of the project is to produce data on the variation of the CO2 and H2O contents of a primitive basaltic magma at the upper mantle-lower crust transition, in order to evaluate the portion of CO2 that can contribute to the flushing process. The goal will be achieved by carrying out solubility experiments of a fluid with different CO2 concentration at pressures between 500 and 1500 MPa, on alkaline basalts from different Italian volcanoes (Vulsini, Valle Latina, Campi Flegrei, Etna).
TITLE: L'insorgenza del magmatismo alcalinopotassico dell'Italia centrale: come, quando e perché?
FUNDING AGENCY: Sapienza, Università di Roma, Progetti Medi Ateneo - SCIENZE DELLA TERRA (Delibera del S.A 256/2020 del 24/11/2020) In collaborazione con INGV-Osservatorio Vesuviano, INGV- Roma1, CNR-IGAG, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra (Università di Pisa).