TITLEO: URGENT - Urban Geology and Geohazards: Engineering geology for safer, resilieNt and smart ciTies
FUNDING AGENCY: Ministero dell’istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, PRIN Bando 2017
START DATE: novembre 2019
END DATE: marzo 2023
The project aims at characterizing, modelling and verifying the spatial-temporal occurrence and rate of geohazards, and possible impacts of climate change, which interact with the geological urban settings of interest in order to preserve their value and make cities more robust, smart and resilient. To account for the characteristics of geo-hydrological hazards (i.e. subsidence, flooding, slope instability and related effects) and their interactions in the urban context, we adopt a multi-approach study rationale involving a comprehensive urban geology and geohazards knowledge, monitoring and modelling of ground and underground instabilities and potential domino effects. The research will consider the sensitivity of geohazards to climatic features, implementation of tools and smart solutions for risk mitigation and management through multi-hazard and multi-risk analysis. The project is structured in 7 WPs.
Databases, models, tools and methods will be demonstrated with prototype implementations at pilot Italian cities: Milan, Bologna, Florence, Rome, Naples which share common pressing challenges such as urban sprawl, soil pollution, ground instabilities, groundwater vulnerability, and seismic hazard. The impact of each geohazard and combined and domino effects will be examined.
TITLE: WP 6 - Monitoraggio e dati satellitari
FUNDING AGENCY: ReLUIS (Rete dei Laboratori Universitari di Ingegneria Sismica)
START DATE: dicembre 2020
END DATE: dicembre 2021
- Detailed 3D geological reconstruction of the foundation subsoils referred of some structures and/or infrastructures selected among the ones identified in the WP as representative of building types in order to evaluate the performances of the monitoring by InSAR.
- Engineering geological contribution to the drafting of the Guidelines for the monitoring of structures and infrastructures by InSAR. The contribution is specifically adressed ito the identification of the engineering geological context of the area where the monitored structures orinfrastructures are located with the aims i) to recognize active geological processes passively involving them and ii) to evaluate active soil-structure interaction.
TITLE: Monitoraggio integrato delle acque sotterranee e sorgive dell'Appennino Centrale finalizzato alla verifica delle relazioni con la sismicità
FUNDING AGENCY: Sapienza Università di Roma, bandi 2019
START DATE: gennaio 2020
END DATE: dicembre 2022
The variation of stress acting on crustal rocks determines pressure gradients able to mobilize fluids. Fluid motions are the most rapid response to the modification of the tectonic stress. Therefore, they may represent useful indicators of transient phenomena that may evolve into an earthquake. Coseismic chemical, water table depth and spring supply variations have been widely described. Moreover, in several cases, these modifications were starting before the mainshock, hence representing potentially reliable seismic precursors. However, these variations differ as a function of the tectonic setting (i.e., extensional, contractional, strike-slip). In this research project we intend to monitor the depth, temperature, salinity variation in few water wells in Abruzzo and Molise, along areas with high seismic hazard. We expect to record signals of stress modification that may eventually evolve into an earthquake. The goal is to install a multiparametric (GPS, SAR, seismological and hydrogeochemical) prototype observatory able to alert for a possible imminent seismic event. Monitoring areas for hydrogeological data acquisition have been selected and related data requires an accurate interpretation.