Per INCOMING STUDENTS (if you are a student from an European University)
Sapienza University will use the on line nomination tool available at
Nomination should be performed by the Sending Institution, which received credentials as well as instructions to use the tool. If your university has not received username and password for nominations, please contact
Nominations sent by email are no longer accepted.
-May 15th, 2020 for the 1stsemester or full academic year
-October 15th, 2020 for the 2ndsemester
To prepare your Learning Agreement:
For outgoing students (Italian students that want to go abroad)
The Erasmus program, which stands for the European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students, is a student mobility program of the European Union, established in 1987.
Since 2014, the program has taken the name of Erasmus + for education, training, youth and sport. Erasmus + provides different types of mobility for students at different stages of their university career.
The program gives the possibility to European university students to carry out a period of study at a foreign university, legally recognized by home university. The new Erasmus + edition includes a period of up to 12 months for each cycle of studies (Bachelor, Master Course and PhD).
Mobility is guaranteed through Inter-Institutional Agreements that Universities sign among themselves, often based on the experience and scientific activity of their professors. There is a professor responsible for each agreement.
The RAM (academic responsible for the mobility) is professor, responsible for the mobility of all the students enrolled in a degree course. Every year, usually in the period between January and March, the Faculty of Sciences MM, FF and NN publishes the Erasmus call to acquire the grant for abroad mobilities that have to be used in the next academic year (September to July).
The announcement is published on the Faculty website. The call for tenders indicates the modalities of participation and the list of venues available for each Degree course. To fill out the application, student must open an online account on the website indicated in the announcement, which will serve him for all the other necessary operations during his period of ERASMUS mobility.
The RAM, in collaboration with the teacher responsible for the agreement, helps students in completing the Learning Agreement (LA) which sets out the programme of the studies to be followed abroad. The Learning Agreement contains the exams that will be taken abroad and the exams of the course of the study that the student intends to replace. The proposal is formulated based on the compatibility of the course of the study, the educational offer of the host university and the disciplinary area of reference for the assigned mobility. The student should take care of completing the Learning Agreement in his online account. The RAM approves Learning Agreement by an online procedure and together with the RAM of host university.
Once the student reaches host university, if for some reason the study plan cannot be completed, student can change it by filling out a new learning agreement that takes name of Change Form, where the new exams are indicated. This document also must be approved by RAM via online procedure and by the host university.
Upon returning to the site, the host University produces a document called Transcript of Records (ToR) where the exams taken and the grades are recorded, the latter expressed according to the criterion of evaluation of the host university.
The student must fill in the appropriate form online in his online account, with the grades obtained. These will be visible to the RAM that proceeds to the conversion in thirtieths. The student must approve the RAM evaluation proposal. If the student approves, the RAM proceeds with the registration of the exams with the grades accepted, always through an online procedure that also includes the digital signature of the minutes. The latter document is then sent to the student secretariat to register the marks on Infostud.
All instructions are summarized in the “guide for the student” in the Download Area.
The list of the active agreements available for Earth Science (code 0532) and Natural Science (code 0522) students varies each Academic year and is enclosed in the text of the call.
Il RAM/CAM per Geological Science and for Natural Science is
Sabina Bigi stanza 311
tel. 06 49914922
Go to the Faculty website
Go to the University website