TITOLO: Condicionantes del reparto y localización de la deformación cortical en convergencia oblicua: análisis multidisciplinar desde la muestra de mano a a escala orogénica - Factors of the distribution and location of the shallow deformation in oblique convergence: multidisciplinary analysis from the hand sample at an orogenic scale
ENTE FINANZIATORE: Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020
P.I.: Inmaculada Expósito Ramos (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Siviglia)
INIZIO PROGETTO: gennaio 2020
DATA FINE PROGETTO: dicembre 2021
TITOLO: Morphometric analysis of fault segmentation in Western Mediterranean for hazard assessment (MORPHOMED)
ENTE FINANZIATORE: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spagna)
P.I.: Patricia Ruano Roca, Jorge Pedro Galve Arnedo (Universidad de Granada, Spagna)
INIZIO PROGETTO: giugno 2020
DATA FINE PROGETTO: dicembre 2023
The aims of this project, as detailed below, are to improve our understanding of the recent evolution of the Betics -Rif and Tunisian Tell (Fig. 1) via morphotectonics analysis at regional scale and detailed structural and morphological field work analysis of identified key areas. The results will complement previous studies carried out by this and other research groups, by improving our knowledge of lithospheric evolution of the Betic-Rif-Tell orogens and their role in the distribution of active structures.
Specific objectives
- Identification of relief anomalies at different scales in the Western Betic-Rif and Northern Tunisian Tell-Atlas orogenic arcs.
- Characterization of the origin of the different relief anomalies, distinguishing between those driven by local tectonics, by surficial processes and large amplitude anomalies related to lithospheric tectonic mechanisms.
- Determination of the landscape evolution in Western Betic-Rif and Northern Tunisian Tell-Atlas orogenic arcs and numerical modelling of the mountain range dynamics within.
- Mapping active fault segmentation, focusing in the central mountain front and western part of the Betics-Rif and Northern Tunisia foreland thrust belts.
- Determination of the geometry, kinematics, dynamics, displacement and timing of the identified active fault systems in order to evaluate seismic hazard.
- Data integration to obtain a model for tectonic evolution and tectonic mechanisms driving the development of the Western Betic-Rif and Northern Tunisian Tell-Atlas orogenic arcs.