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Progetto di Ricerca Internazionale - GEO08

TITOLO: - Conservation and equitable use of biological diversity in the SADC region
ENTE FINANZIATORE: Italian Agency for Development Cooperation

INIZIO PROGETTO: novembre 2016
SECOSUD II Project (“Conservation and equitable use of biological diversity in the SADC region“) is financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and jointly implemented by Sapienza University of Rome and Eduardo Mondlane University of Maputo. The project operates in the framework of the three Rio Conventions of the United Nations on environment: the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
SECOSUD II aims at consolidating the capacities of decision-makers responsible for land planning and management of natural resources, as well as promoting their use in support of the harmonization of land management processes at the national, regional and international level. The final objective is to boost biodiversity conservation and sustainable economic development in the SADC region, consistently with the CBD goals and in synergy with those of UNCCD and UNFCCC.
To do this, we work on strengthening the capacity of the scientific network of the SADC region, particularly the reference centers for ecosystem-based land planning and management, to fill the gap existing between scientific research and governmental institutions in charge of environmental management. This will help research institutions to fulfill their function of science and knowledge development, and also provide administrative bodies with adequate instruments and capacities to address the challenges of environmental conservation and sustainable development.